Start! - Pre-Reading & Pre-Writing Workbook For Junior Infants

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Start! - Pre-Reading & Pre-Writing Workbook For Junior Infants

Start! - Pre-Reading & Pre-Writing Workbook For Junior Infants

Price:   €6.95 inc. VAT


Start! Is an exciting, new Pre-Reading & Pre-Writing activity book for Junior Infants.

Regardless of the reading programme used in your school, this independent workbook will provide a structured plan to cater for the pre-reading and pre-writing needs of your children.

This book incorporates all the elements of the pre-reading and pre-writing:
• Language
• Visual Discrimination
• Left-Right Orientation
• Auditory Discrimination
• Pattern Work.

Start! uses a themed approach, with nursery rhymes & songs as their main focus. Nursery rhymes are not just for fun but have enormous educational value. It is crucial that young children learn to memorise through verse. We cannot overestimate the importance of rhyme before the child begins the format of reading process.

We hope that Start! as the name implies, will provide your children with the necessary stepping stone to the world of reading and writing.