Project Wood - Materials Technology Wood

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Project Wood - Materials Technology Wood

Project Wood - Materials Technology Wood

Price:   €34.20 inc. VAT


Dynamic, new and up-to-date textbook for students at Higher and Ordinary level.
• Covers the whole syllabus without any extra or off-course material.
Full-colour design with high quality, easy-to-reproduce diagrams.
• Divided into three sections:
     - Theory of Wood
     - Practical Woodwork
     - Design
• Includes chapter on computer-aided design (CAD) modelling techniques and Orthographic Projection geared for Junior Certificate level.
• Contains sample MTW folio for project work and a simplified Design Process.
• Nine sample woodwork projects at three levels suitable for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students.
• Step-by-step guide to individual joint construction included.
• Carbon footprint and student safety issues highlighted throughout the book.
• Homework Sheet, as well as past Higher and Ordinary level exam questions at the end of each chapter.
• Tasks and web links expand students’ skills and knowledge.