Principles of Organisational Behaviour - An Irish Text - 2nd Edition

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Principles of Organisational Behaviour - An Irish Text - 2nd Edition

Principles of Organisational Behaviour - An Irish Text - 2nd Edition

Price:   €47.99 inc. VAT


It examines individual, group and organisational processes in an attempt to understand human behaviour in the workplace.

New chapters on Emotion, Stress and Psychological Well-being, Individual Learning, Organisational Learning, Managing Diversity, Women in Organisations and Intercultural Adjustment and Working Abroad.

Each chapter of this new edition features:

— Learning objectives stated at the outset. Presents introductory material along with some more advanced concepts.
— A summary of key propositions.
— Discussion questions and a set of multiple choice questions.
— Five Key Readings that the students may want to consult for more detail on the topic being discussed.

Suitable for third level students taking courses in Organisational Behaviour or courses of which Organisational Behaviour is a component.

Accompanied by a lecturers’ website containing PowerPoint slides and web links (