Primer Paso 2 - Junior Certificate Spanish

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Primer Paso 2 - Junior Certificate Spanish

Primer Paso 2 - Junior Certificate Spanish

Price:   €29.80 inc. VAT


Primer Paso 2 completes the Junior Certificate Spanish course began in Primer Paso 1. It takes students through second and third year. The book is accompanied by a free student CD.

• A beautifully designed textbook, full-colour and full of photos and illustrations.
• Suitable for all Junior Certificate students, both Higher and Ordinary Levels.
• Each unit covers all aspects of learning and is full of a stimulating range of listening, written and oral exercises.
• Grammar topics and useful vocabulary are introduced throughout the book on a step-by-step basis at the level students can really handle.
• Includes a separate section on regular and irregular verbs in the Preterite, Imperfect, Perfect, Future and Conditional tenses.
• Separate section on letter writing.