New Healthy Lifestyles 3 - The Complete Package for Junior Cycle SPHE

New Healthy Lifestyles 3 - The Complete Package for Junior Cycle SPHE

New Healthy Lifestyles 3 - The Complete Package for Junior Cycle SPHE

Price:   €14.95 inc. VAT


A revised, contemporary and exciting approach to SPHE structured around the key skills and principles of the new Junior Cycle, retaining all the favourite features of the highly popular Healthy Lifestyles series.
• Designed to fulfil the criteria for teaching SPHE as a Short Course, while retaining all of the lessons required for those teaching the Modular Course.
Key words at the beginning of each lesson, combined with varied activities such as carrying out surveys, designing posters, creating and interpreting graphs, reinforce and develop students’ Literacy and Numeracy Skills.
• Topics in each strand are covered using a ready-to-go, lesson-by-lesson approach based on the experiential learning model.
• Facilitates the development of the key skills for the new Junior Cycle: Managing Myself, Staying Well, Communicating, Being Creative, Working with Others, Managing Information and Thinking.
• Packed with fun and varied activities such as energisers, puzzles, crosswords, matching exercises, cloze tests, contemporary articles, case studies and comic strips.
• Lessons are age-appropriate and facilitate ongoing reporting to parents.
Learning Keepsakes and Topic Reviews involve students in their own assessment.
Up for the Challenge feature at the end of each topic allows students to complete assessment tasks based on Learning Outcomes in the relevant strand.