Master Your Maths 6

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Master Your Maths 6

Master Your Maths 6

Price:   €12.20 inc. VAT


Master Your Maths is a new series of innovative activity books for primary schools that uniquely combines both mental maths and problem-solving. Each book is based on 30 weeks of the school year, comprising mental maths and problem-solving exercises for Monday to Thursday, along with a Friday test. The questions are varied and increase in complexity as the year progresses. The series provides daily questions where children can develop problem-solving skills. It helps teachers create a classroom culture where children are encouraged to develop as independent mathematicians with strong problem-solving skills.

Master Your Maths:
• Covers all strands and strand units of the maths curriculum.
• Develops and reinforces mental calculation, concepts and skills.
• Provides daily practice in problem-solving, which is the key to maths understanding and higher scores in maths.
• Provides real-life problems where children can see the role of maths in everyday life.
• Provides Friday test pages to assess learning.
• Provides assessment record sheets where children can track their own progress.