Life Matters - Senior Cycle Religious Education

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Life Matters - Senior Cycle Religious Education

Life Matters - Senior Cycle Religious Education

Price:   €27.99 inc. VAT


Life Matters, a new senior cycle religious education text:
• Is written in clear, straightforward language.
Reflects the reality of the contemporary classroom situation where, as in the broader society, there is no longer any unanimity on moral issues.
• Is explanatory and exploratory in tone.
• Offers a comprehensive, fair and balanced treatment of many of the most challenging moral issues facing our society today.
Presents the relevant facts and outlines the arguments for and against in each area of moral debate.
• Is full-colour throughout, beautifully design and illustrated.
• Includes a Glossary of Key Ideas, which are clearly defines and highlighted throughout the text.

Life Matters aims to:
Encourage you to be aware of your own dignity as a human being and the need to treat others with the respect to which they are entitled.
Help you understand your rights and responsibilities as a citizen, not only of this country but of the wider world too.
Encourage you to listen to the views of others, respect differences and engage in honest and open discussion in the search for the truth.
Help you to work out where you stand on moral issues so that you can offer sound arguments to support the opinions you express.
Strengthen your awareness of our common need to cherish and protect the environment which we share.