Let's Make Music 1 & 2 - First & Second Class

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Let's Make Music 1 & 2 - First & Second Class

Let's Make Music 1 & 2 - First & Second Class

Price:   €11.75 inc. VAT


A child-centred and teacher-friendly Music series for Junior Infants to Sixth Class. The series is written specifically for non-specialist teachers to deliver the three strands of the Revised Music Curriculum, Listening and Responding, Performing, and Composing, in an integrated, effective and enjoyable way.

Full-colour activity books presented in Band Format and written to help develop students, skills, creativity and confidence in music.
• Extensively classroom tested and based on teacher feedback nationwide.
• Each book has ten progressive units, which contain theme-based listening, performing and composing.
• Listening quizzes in each unit.
• Songs and listening pieces cover a wide range of genres.
• Material and language level are age appropriate.
• Encourages a wide range of responses to the songs and listening pieces.
• A simple, step-by-step approach to music notation is introduced in the series: at Junior Level, children are encouraged to play tunes on percussion instruments; at Senior Level, they are encouraged to play tunes on their favourite musical instruments.
• Let's Make Music! is written by experienced authors, whose aim is to make music fun in the classroom.
• Assessment: Through the entire series, the teacher has the opportunity to observe the range of responses each child makes to the music, e.g. listening and Responding.
• Questions are provided to focus the child's attention on the musical concepts.