King Lear - Leaving Certificate English - Edco Shakespeare Series

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King Lear - Leaving Certificate English - Edco Shakespeare Series

King Lear - Leaving Certificate English - Edco Shakespeare Series

Price:   €11.95 inc. VAT


This new and beautifully illustrated edition of 'King Lear' includes the complete text of the play with detailed notes to help students understand themes, words, character development and more.

• Each scene is accompanied by:
     -Introductory plot summary
     -Study questions
     -Key points and useful quotes

• A special section is devoted to:
     -Exploration of major themes and context
     -Detailed analysis of plot
     -In-depth character and relationship analysis
     -Exam tips

• The book also includes:
     -Overall summary at the end of each act
     -Examination-based questions, carefully graded for Higher and Ordinary Level
     -Guidelines on answering examination questions
     -Model answers to questions
     -Assignments to encourage class participation

• The book is:
     -In line with DES and examination guidelines
     -Suitable for Higher and Ordinary Level students
     -illustrated with striking colour photographs from various productions of King Lear