History Quest 6 - Sixth Class

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History Quest 6 - Sixth Class

History Quest 6 - Sixth Class

Price:   €15.10 inc. VAT


• The 12 units of this book are longer than in the other books which reflect the depth at which the children are required to study.

•They study a range of feasts and festivities worldwide which also deal with their early ancestry through the Celts, Plantations and Settlements, Daniel O’Connell, The Great Famine, The 1916 Easter Rising and World War 2.

• It culminates with an in-depth study of the life and times of Martin Luther King Junior who was the main driving force behind the ending of racial segregation in the United States of America.

• The active learning approach which began in Book 1 is continued in this book with the children encouraged to research, examine and investigate aspects of History through working alone, in pairs or in small groups.