Fluirse 3 Textbook - Junior Certificate Higher Level Irish

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Fluirse 3 Textbook - Junior Certificate Higher Level Irish

Fluirse 3 Textbook - Junior Certificate Higher Level Irish

Price:   €30.90 inc. VAT


Fluirse 3 is a comprehensive textbook that will prepare students for all elements of the JC Irish Higher Level course. Its focus will enable students to develop their ability and confidence in Irish.

Fluirse 3 highlights:
• Covers all aspects of the Junior Certificate comprehensively.
• Engaging topics that are suitable for this particular age group (mobile phones, environment, buying clothes etc.).
• Promotes the communicative approach to teaching Irish - there are 3 aspects to each lesson: the pre-lesson task, the lesson itself and the post-lesson task.
• Vocabulary used in the exams is repeated regularly in each chapter.
• Each chapter is themed, with each element - comhra, aiste, litir, filiocht, etc. connected to theme. This will help to reinforce all the language learnt throughout each chapter.
• A focloir at the end of chapters explains a wide range of words covered in the chapter.