Division & Realignment In Europe 1945-1992 - Europe & The Wider World 1815-1992 - Option 4 - Leaving Certificate History

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Division & Realignment In Europe 1945-1992 - Europe & The Wider World 1815-1992 - Option 4 - Leaving Certificate History

Division & Realignment In Europe 1945-1992 - Europe & The Wider World 1815-1992 - Option 4 - Leaving Certificate History

Price:   €25.45 inc. VAT


This Leaving Certificate History book contains a detailed account of Option 4 on the syllabus at both Higher and Ordinary Level.
• All key personalities and key concepts are highlighted and explained within the text.
• Case studies are also dealt with in depth, using a wealth of source material.
• A Working with Evidence section guides the student in how to approach the various types of source.
• Questions at the end of each chapter are clearly marked for either Ordinary or Higher Level students.