Cúnamh Ardleibhéal - Higher Level

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Cúnamh Ardleibhéal - Higher Level

Cúnamh Ardleibhéal - Higher Level

Price:   €36.15 inc. VAT


Cúnamh (Ardleibhéal) is a new, comprehensive and student-friendly textbook that prepares Higher Level students for all aspects of the new Leaving Certificate Irish course, including both the aural and oral elements.

It contains:
• The original texts of all prose pieces/extracts on the course, as well as simplified versions, plus vocabulary.
• The original texts of all poems on the course, together with background notes, literary explanations and vocabulary.
• A section that prepares students for the Reading Comprehension element of the exam, which includes complete tests with grammar questions in the new style.
• Full-length aural tests, based on the official examination, with an accompanying CD.
• Sample articles, conversations, vocabulary and conversational tasks that thoroughly prepare the student for the oral examination.
• A detailed explanation of essay-writing techniques, as well as sample compositions with important vocabulary explained.
• A comprehensive grammar section, with clear explanations of all key points.
• Exercises and tests throughout to facilitate learning and revision.
• 560 pages in full colour.
This book prepares students for all aspects of the new Leaving Certificate course – replacing, and improving on, the popular D�ograis series.