Child Health & Well-Being

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Child Health & Well-Being

Child Health & Well-Being

Price:   €25.99 inc. VAT


A comprehensive textbook written for FETAC Child Health & Well-being (5N1765), introducing the key requirements and concepts for providing and optimising the health and well-being of children in an ECCE setting in Ireland.

• Encompasses the principles and standards of Aistear (2009) and Síolta (2006), as well as relevant legislation, including the Child Care (Pre-School Services) (No. 2) Regulations 2006.
• Introduces and details key topics fundamental to the subject, including:
- Nutritional needs and balanced menu planning for children of various ages
- Common illnesses and their symptoms
- Vaccination schedules
- Personal care routines and development of practical skills to promote child health and well-being
- Legislation and good practice guidelines
- Children’s ability to form positive relationships within the ECCE setting
- Reflective practice exercises, which are integrated throughout the text.
• Case studies and activities promote the application of knowledge and development of practical skills.
• Written in a clear and concise style with illustrations throughout, and specific reference to project and skills demonstration assessments.

Written For:
FETAC Level 5 Child Health & Well-being (5N1765), a mandatory component of Early Childhood Care & Education (5M2009)