Bienvenue en France 1 Pack - Textbook & Student Portfolio Book - 4th Edition - Junior Cycle French - Includes Free eBook

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Bienvenue en France 1 Pack - Textbook & Student Portfolio Book - 4th Edition - Junior Cycle French - Includes Free eBook

Bienvenue en France 1 Pack - Textbook & Student Portfolio Book - 4th Edition - Junior Cycle French - Includes Free eBook

Price:   €29.70 inc. VAT


The latest edition of Bienvenue en France is the complete teaching solution for Junior Cycle French. It is aligned to meet the needs of the new Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) specification, with extensive additional materials. This edition retains the elements that have made Bienvenue en France a firm favorite among French teachers and students.

Bienvenue en France will help students develop the essential skills for learning French, covering listening, spoken production, spoken interaction, reading and writing, insuring students develop all skills in equal measure.