Aois na Glóire 3 - Ardleibhéal

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Aois na Glóire 3 - Ardleibhéal

Aois na Glóire 3 - Ardleibhéal

Price:   €31.95 inc. VAT


Aois na Glóire series:
• A contemporary and exciting approach to Junior Certificate Irish providing the tools and materials to engage today’s students
• Emphasis on the recommended communicative approach to grammar, including examples of the new grammar-in-context question, as well as a separate, extensive grammar section
• Emphasis on oral work to help students with the optional Junior Certificate oral exam and to prepare for the Leaving Cert oral exam in light of the new marking structure
• Includes examples of the cluastuiscint question in its new layout
• Activities such as pair work, group work and dramas facilitate an interactive and fun approach to learning

Aois na Glóire 3:
• Contains topical, student-focused material, as well as general vocabulary and phrases, for comprehensions and essays.
• Lots of sample essays, stories and letters to help students prepare for the exam.
• Includes essay and story plans to help students structure their work for the long questions.
• Includes a section on the unseen prose and unseen poetry questions.
• Student’s CD with sample Listening Comprehension passages thematically-linked to chapters in book.
• Online testing for homework and revision available for this textbook on
• CD script available online for teachers.
• Digital Flipbook available.

Online testing for homework and revision is available for this textbook on