Text & Tests 4 - Higher Level (New Edition)

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Text & Tests 4 - Higher Level (New Edition)

Text & Tests 4 - Higher Level (New Edition)

Price:   €26.85 inc. VAT


This substantially revised book is the first of two volumes that amalgamate the previous editions of Text & Tests 4, 5, 6 and 7 into two books for the Higher Level Leaving Certificate Project Maths course.

As a Fifth-Year book, it introduces students to all five strands of the course and fully reflects the overall approach to the teaching of Maths as stated in the learning outcomes for Project Maths. It encourages the development of not only the students’ knowledge and skills but also the understanding necessary to apply these skills.

The extensive range of imaginatively written and probing questions on each topic will help students understand the concepts involved and develop their problem-solving skills. Every attempt has been made to grade the questions in order of difficulty.

At the beginning of each chapter, there is a list of Key Words that students are expected to know and understand when the chapter is completed.

Each chapter concludes with a three-part revision exercise section consisting of (a) Core, (b) Advanced, and (c) Extended Response questions.