Sounds Good 1 - Junior Cycle Music - Includes Free eBook

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Sounds Good 1 - Junior Cycle Music - Includes Free eBook

Sounds Good 1 - Junior Cycle Music - Includes Free eBook

Price:   €26.95 inc. VAT


A new, fresh and exciting First Year Music book for the new Junior Cycle


Sounds Good! 1 fosters student engagement in the three interconnected concepts central to the new specification:

Procedural Knowledge

Innovate and Ideate

Culture and Context


The Sounds Good 1 package offers a fresh approach to the material and is aimed at
supporting teachers and students in a creative and active manner and includes:


A Student Textbook 

A free Student mini—whiteboard 

A Teacher’s Resource Book

A free Student CD 

A free Student e-Book



Incorporates key skills and learning outcomes of the new Junior Cycle Music specification

Each chapter is accompanied by student activities for active engagement and assessment of learning

Develops literacy, equipping students with a critical and working music vocabulary

Facilitates student participation through group and student-centred activities 

Provides comprehensive performance instructions for recorder

Comprehensive questions encourage varied levels of engagement with topics

Uses graphic organisers, revision boxes, key word banks, etc.

Attractive design and layout

Glossary of terms included

Clear guidelines are provided for attempting new activities

Facilitates the teaching strategies and assessment components of the new Junior Cycle

Encourages creativity through performance and composition skills

Encourages inventiveness supports ICT integration and promotes digital literacy