Romeo & Juliet Portfolio - Junior Cert English - Mentor Shakespeare Series

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Romeo & Juliet Portfolio - Junior Cert English - Mentor Shakespeare Series

Romeo & Juliet Portfolio - Junior Cert English - Mentor Shakespeare Series

Price:   €5.99 inc. VAT


This Portfolio book is a companion text to Mentor's Romeo and Juliet.

The rich array of activities offers students a variety of ways to discover and explore Shakespeare's timeless classic. These activities have been designed to facilitate alignment with the new Junior Cycle English Specification. 

-A wealth of interesting activities that facilitate students' exploration of the play.

-Activities that have been tailored to meet the demands of the new Junior Cycle English Specification. 

-All activities have been cross-referenced with Mentor's edition of the play for ease of use.

-Sample examination question  for the Final Assessment.

-Links to Valuable video material which may be accessed through Mentor's website: