Practical Physics - Workbook

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Practical Physics - Workbook

Practical Physics - Workbook

Price:   €18.30 inc. VAT


Practical Physics is a comprehensive mandatory experiments workbook and manual for the Leaving Certificate Physics course.

It will methodically guide students through each experiment in a step-by-step manner, helping them to achieve the highest possible marks in Section A of the examination.

This workbook is ideal for revising the Leaving Certificate experiments:
• It contains all mandatory experiments for the Leaving Certificate syllabus.
• It is suitable for both the Ordinary and Higher Level courses.
• Each experiment is summarised in full with an outline of apparatus used, procedure, calculations and precautions.
• More than one experiment method is outlined where required.
• Following a user-friendly workbook format, the student writes a full laboratory report, which requires a diagram of the apparatus used, all data tables, calculations and graphs.
• Each practical report is followed by short questions and longer exam-style questions to consolidate learning.