Operation Maths 1: Complete Pack

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Operation Maths 1: Complete Pack

Operation Maths 1: Complete Pack

Price:   €21.95 inc. VAT


Operation Maths is an innovative and exciting maths programme, with fully integrated digital resources. This new programme has been developed specifically for Irish Primary schools and has been extensively reviewed by practising teachers nationwide.

For the first time, an Irish maths programme places understanding, problem-solving and active learning at its heart. A uniquely child-centred programme, it teaches children to understand, not just do, Maths.

The Operation Maths programme is planned on a monthly basis and broken down into fortnightly lessons. Problem solving is at the heart of the methodology of this programme and the Maths skills of applying and reasoning are also prioritised.

Operation Maths for junior Infants – 2nd Class is made up of the following components:
• At School Book
• Free Assessment Booklet
• Free A4 Mini-Whiteboard
• Free Laminated Five/Ten/Twenty frames
• At Home Book
• Teachers Resource Book
• Digital Resources