Nouveau Voyage 2 - A 2nd & 3rd Year French Course For Junior Certificate - Includes Free eBook

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Nouveau Voyage 2 - A 2nd & 3rd Year French Course For Junior Certificate - Includes Free eBook

Nouveau Voyage 2 - A 2nd & 3rd Year French Course For Junior Certificate - Includes Free eBook

Price:   €35.25 inc. VAT


Nouveau Voyage 2 for second and third years completes the Nouveau Voyage series for Junior Cycle French. Book 2 continues the journey into the French language, where you will be guided by Assessment for Learning (AfL) techniques to assess your own progress and improve your learning.
• Learning intentions at the start of each chapter.
• My learning sections to check you are following the key points.
Objectif boxes to assess yourself as you go.
• Success criteria to help you really understand what is expected in your tasks.
• The Cartable connecté sections, videos and narrated photo stories throughout extend your French adventure online and visually.
• The Un peu de révision sections at the end of each unit enable you to assess your progress in a variety of ways.

NEW to Book 2:
• Conseils pour le Brevet: unique exam-focused guidance regularly reminds you how to achieve maximum marks in each exam task.
• Exam Practice Section: revises key exam phrases and provides exam advice.
• The Un petit rappel sections revise concepts learned in first year.
• Évaluation par paire for peer-assessment and structured feedback in oral tasks.
• PowerPoint
• FREE Mon Portfolio booklet: Included with your book, this valuable booklet allows you to keep samples of your own work and track your progress throughout second and third year.
• There is a FREE eBOOK with this textbook