Living Geography Pack

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Living Geography Pack

Living Geography Pack

Price:   €32.05 inc. VAT


Incorporating project and team work, this exciting new textbook by highly experienced Geography teachers – Dermot Lucey and Jimmy Condon – addresses the curriculum in a vibrant, dynamic and skills-based way. The new specification for Junior Cycle Geography promotes ‘structured inquiry’ and an interactive approach to learning.

Features of the Textbook include:

  • Key geographical skills
  • Learning outcomes (LOs) unpacked into units of work and aligned to the new specification
  • Non-linear approach
  • Geoliteracy
  • New and up-to-date ‘Focus on’ feature
  • Mind-map summaries for each chapter
  • Dedicated chapters on classroom-based assessments
  • Inclusive content for all students, with extension activities for more able students
  • Well illustrated, with up-to-date images, maps, aerial photos, tables, graphs and infographics