Folens Smart Study - Junior Cycle Science

Folens Smart Study - Junior Cycle Science

Folens Smart Study - Junior Cycle Science

Price:   €11.05 inc. VAT


This revision book is the smart choice for anyone revising for the Junior Cycle Science final exam. Written ny am expert team, it has everything you need to revise smartly and perform to the best of your ability in the exam.

-Exam paper overtime and study tips set out the steps to exam success.

-Exam tips keep you on track and help maximize marks.

-Suggested answers to the SEC sample paper will help you to get top marks.

-Concise bite-sized format covers all the learning outcomes and caters for all ability levels.

-Clearly labeled diagrams make it easier to revise.

-Definition boxes cover all key terms.

-Reference to useful experiment videos on FolensOnline