BUNLITRIU Ranganna 1 - 6

Please Note: As a small business, we don't have live stock tracking on our website. We try to keep on top of it ourselves, but in busy periods such as Christmas or summer, things can slip through the cracks. We make every effort to order in things which are out of stock for orders, but this can cause delays. Where items are significantly delayed or in reprint, we will contact you and issue a refund in order to avoid delaying your full order and give you a chance to source it elsewhere.

BUNLITRIU Ranganna 1 - 6

BUNLITRIU Ranganna 1 - 6

Price:   €5.25 inc. VAT


Progressive week-by-week programme from 1st to 6th class<

'An Caighdean' standard spelling throughout

Words chosen mainly from the 'Buntus Cainte' conversation course

Teacher's notes included

Is leir go bhfuil ga ann le fada le leabhar a mbeadh coras litrithe na Gaeilge furasta a fhoghlaim as. Ta se mar aidhm ag an leabhar seo an bhearna sion a lionadh.