New Wave Mental Maths Third Class - Revised edition

New Wave Mental Maths Third Class - Revised edition

New Wave Mental Maths Third Class - Revised edition

Price:   €9.99 inc. VAT


New Wave Mental Maths is a series of seven pupil workbooks, from Senior Infants to 6th Class, written to provide comprehensive coverage of the mental maths concepts required by the mathematics curriculum. Each book contains a 40-week mental maths and problem-solving programme designed to develop, strengthen and consolidate pupils mathematical skills and concepts.

The 1st to 6th Class workbooks feature:

A structured daily mental maths programme for the whole school year.

Coverage of all strand and strand unit objectives applicable to mental maths.

Carefully worded problem-solving questions positioned in their own column.

Pictorial and written representations of problems in both the problem-solving and daily columns.

Comprehensive coverage and consolidation of mental mathematics concepts.

Practice in speed of recall.

Sequential development of mathematics concepts and vocabulary; and

opportunities for weekly assessment and monitoring of pupil progress with the "Friday Review"

A Teacher Manual which accompanies the New Wave Mental Maths workbooks, is also available. This contains suggestions to help develop mental strategies, a list of concepts covered, assessment material and answers.